FAGA - HUD Unpack Ellie Hairstyle


❤ Yo no tengo miedo de decir que lo amo y menos aun que lo extraño.Mi miedo mas bien radica en que se que si se lo digo,igual no servira de nada,porque en el fondo me doy cuenta que a pesar de haber dicho tantas veces esas frases y haberselas escrito algunas mas,no hay respuesta....es como si le hablara a la pared o a un fantasma.No hay reciprocidad en este amor que le tengo.Amo a quien no me ama,extraño a quien no me extraña....❤

I'm not afraid to say that I love him and even less that I miss him. Rather, my fear is that I know that if I say it, it won't do any good, because deep down I realize that despite having said so many Sometimes those phrases and having written them a few more, there is no response... it is as if I were speaking to the wall or to a ghost. There is no reciprocity in this love that I have for him. I love those who do not love me, I miss those who do not love me strange....❤



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