OYI - Afterthought,RAPTURE-Bikini Visena-FatPack AND SVP Linda Pack
Hola mis amores hoy os vengo a presentar el vestuario perfecto para estas vacaciones que se aproximan en España,El Biquini....
La verdad es que seguro estais deseando tanto como yo coger un poquito de sol durante las vacaciones,empezar a dorar la piel de cara al verano y que nos pille un poco bronceaditas.
Yo e elegido el color rojo,algo atrevido si,para los primeros rayos de sol si contamos que estoy mas blanca que la leche pero bueno todo es lucirse un poquito y que mejor que hacerlo con este diseño de la marca RAPTURE.
Os estareis fijando tambien en la marcas de mis codos,rodillas y cintura,no os voy a contar mas que son de la marca OYI y oye le dan un toque de misterio a mi cuerpo verdad?? 😜
Para terminar deciros que mi pose playera es de SVP Poses vienen en un pack donde teneis para elegir.
Ya sabeis mis chic@s os deseo unas felices vacaciones,yo tengo la suerte de desaparecer durante 15 dias asi que os espero a la vuelta,ser felices y como siempre os digo NUNCA DEJEIS DE SOÑAR!!!!
Mas detalles 👇
OYI - Afterthought>>http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Hibari/126/80/3901
Hello my loves, today I come to present the perfect wardrobe for these upcoming holidays in Spain, El Bikini....
The truth is that you are surely wanting as much as I am to catch a little sun during the holidays, to begin to gild the skin for the summer and to get a little tanned.
I have chosen the red color, something daring yes, for the first rays of sun if we count that I am whiter than milk but well everything is to show off a little and what better way to do it with this design from the RAPTURE brand.
You will also be looking at the marks on my elbows, knees and waist, I am not going to tell you more that they are from the OYI brand and hey, they give my body a touch of mystery, right? 😜
To finish, let me tell you that my beach pose is from SVP Poses, they come in a pack where you have to choose from.
You know my guys I wish you a happy vacation, I have the luck to disappear for 15 days so I'll wait for you when you return, be happy and as I always tell you, NEVER STOP DREAMING!!!!
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