SVP Felicia Pack - FAGA - HUD Unpack School's day Hairstyle - YoU By GeMyles Elenore Outfit

A batir las alas a morder la manzana le hablare al amor cuantas veces haga falta...
A batir a batir las alas sueño lo que quiera fuera y dentro de mi cama si tu no sabes que quieres no me culpes de tu rabia...

To flap the wings to bite the apple I will speak to love as many times as necessary...
To beat to beat the wings I dream what I want outside and inside my bed if you don't know what you want don't blame me for your rage...

OUTFIT>>YoU By GeMyles>>Elenore>> Exclusive at Designer Showcase for December Round. Event runs from December 5th - 25th >>



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