JF Design-Lea Dress AND For Women - SVP Aya Pack POSE


Happy start to the week my girls, how was the weekend? The truth is that I have had a very quiet weekend compared to the ones I often experience and the truth is that from time to time it is appreciated, waking up without the alarm clock ringing, living without schedules, sitting in the sofa in a good TV session with popcorn within reach, don't look at the clock, etc etc don't tell me that it's not a pleasure to live days like this from time to time, well that has been my weekend, I hope yours has been Just as calm, you can tell me about it further down in the comments if you want. Well, let's stop messing around and go to the important thing, how I'm dressed to start the week. The truth is that I have chosen a wardrobe that at first glance looks very sexy with that leg in the air, but if I turned around, the sexy becomes even bigger, because I decided to start the week off, yes, showing rear meat hahahaha. The dress is beautiful as you can see, the most covered in the front for the time we are in and the most sexy on the side and on the back that is not well appreciated in the photo, so I invite you to go see it and try it on you'll see how well it suits you and how nice you start the week. I'll tell you that it's from the JF Design collection and you have it in their official store. I accompany it with an SVP pose which you will find from the 27th in an event. You already know that I'll leave you all the details below and something that I don't always say but you should always keep it in mind, guys, yes guys, my post is also for you that you can make gifts for your girls ehhhhh! Well now I only have to say goodbye, as I always tell you, NEVER STOP DREAMING!

SVP POSE Aya Pack>>You can find this pack at PosEvent which starts on January 27th

Feliz inicio de semana mis chicas,que tal a ido el finde? La verdad es que yo e tenido un fin de semana de lo mas tranquilo comparandolo con los que suelo vivir a menudo y la verdad que eso se agradece de vez en cuando,despertar sin que te suene el despertador,vivir sin horarios,sentarse en el sofa en una buena sesion de tele con palomitas al alcance,no mirar el reloj,etc etc no me digais que no es un placer de vez en cuando vivir dias asi,pues eso a sido mi fin de semana,espero que el vuestro haya sido igual de tranquilo,me lo podeis contar mas abajo en los comentarios si quereis.Bueno dejemonos de rollos y vayamos a lo importante,como me e vestido para empezar la semana.
La verdad que e elegido un vestuario que a simple vista se ve muy sexy con esa pierna al aire,pero es que si me diera la vuelta lo sexy se hace aun mas grande,porque e decidido empezar la semana libre,si,enseñando carnes traseras jajajaja.El vestido es precioso como podeis ver,de lo mas tapadito por delante para la epoca en la que estamos y de lo mas sexy por el lado y por detras que no se aprecia bien en la foto por ello os invito a ir a verlo y probaroslo vereis lo bien que os sienta y lo bonitas que empezais la semana.Os dire que es de la coleccion de JF Design y lo teneis en su tienda oficial.
Lo acompaño con una pose de SVP la cual encontrareis a partir del dia 27 en un evento.
 Algo que no suelo decirlo siempre pero deberiais tenerlo siempre en cuenta,chicos,si chicos,para vosotros tambien van mis post que podeis hacer regalitos a vuestras chicas ehhhhh!
Bueno ya solo me queda despedirme,como siempre os digo,NUNCA DEJES DE SOÑAR!


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