! Black Swan ! - undress me -wear me AND [pdb] Undress Box


Hello my dear virtual family, today Kings Day I bring you a most romantic pose for you to enjoy with that person that you feel as happy as me ... As a special day that is today you will surely be enjoying your Kings gifts and Thanks to this pose, I enjoy the best gift that this second life gave me almost four years ago, so I encourage you to pose with your favorite person and look so beautiful ... I also bring you this outfit so comfortable, casual and sexy at the same time, it is formed by a nice vest that will make you look nice and sexy neckline along with a short of the freshest, you already know how to grab your favorite person and look that way. pretty for the pose. Always remember ..... NEVER STOP DREAMING !!
OUTFIT ME (maitreya,legacy,slink.p-h,belleza all) HUD
 mesh vest - stripp option ♦

pose (50L)

Hola mi querida familia virtual,hoy dia de reyes os traigo una pose de lo mas romantica para que la disfruteis con aquella persona que os sintais tan felices como yo...Como dia especial que es hoy seguramente estareis disfrutando de vuestros regalos de reyes y yo gracias a esta pose disfruto del mejor regalo que me hizo hace casi cuatro año esta segunda vida,asi que os animo a que poseis con vuestra persona favorita y luzcais tan bellos.... 
Tambien os traigo este atuendo tan comodo,casual y sexy a la vez,esta formado por un bonito chaleco que hara que luzcais un bonito y sexy escote junto a un short de lo mas fresquito,ya sabeis agarrar a vuestra persona favorita y lucir asi de bonitas para la pose.
Acordaros siempre.....NUNCA DEJES DE SOÑAR!!


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